Introduction to Microsoft Excel: An 8 Week Course

Available Course Start Dates To Choose From

Start date: 2/7/20222 End Date: 04/01/2022 Certificates awarded by: 04/08/2022

Start date: 03/14/2022 End Date: 5/06/2022 Certificates awarded by: 5/13/2022

Start date: 5/9/2022 End Date: 7/1/2022 Certificates awarded by: 7/8/2022

Start date: 6/20/2022 End Date: 8/12/2022 Certificates awarded by: 8/19/2022

Goals and Objectives:

Just some of what you will learn by taking this course?

Become more PRODUCTIVE at using Excel which will SAVE YOU HOURS per day & ELIMINATE STRESS at work!

Increase your Excel SKILLS and KNOWLEDGE within HOURS which will GET YOU NOTICED by Top Management & prospective Employers!

Master the Basics of Excel: how to navigate Excel, create a spreadsheet and save your work

Gain confidence with the usage of top 50 Excel formulas

Use Excel Tables to give color & analytical power to your boring lists

Use Pivot Tables to analyze thousands of Excel rows & create interactive reports with key business metrics in a flash!

Who Will Benefit?

    • ANYONE looking to MASTER the necessary skills of Microsoft Excel to use in their job or business!
    • New or Advanced SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS looking to learn how to use Microsoft Excel to manage their business!

Reserve Your Spot Today With Your $200 Deposit! Fill out the form below with your desired term you wish to sign up for and a representative will be contacting you shortly.

Introduction to Microsoft Excel: An 8 Week Course

Introduction to Microsoft Excel: An 8 Week Course


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